


Notice of the New UI No. Format for the change of customer information.


       親 愛 的 客 戶 您 好:
       Dear customers :

       一、因應內政部於 110 年 1 月 2 日起實施新式外來人口統一證號專案,若您已換發新式統號,請攜帶載有新式統號之居留證件、存摺
              In respond to the New UI No. Format for Foreign Nationals policy starting from January 2, 2021 by Ministry of the Interior, if you had
              applied for the new UI No., please bring your residence permit with new UI No., the passbook, and the seal to the branch where
              you opened the account.

       二、換發新式統號後,如您就申請變更本社留存證號有相關問題,請洽本社營業櫃台或撥打服務專線 03-5233141 分機 123。
              After applying for the New UI No., if there’s any problems with the UI No. retained by The First Credit Cooperative of Hsinchu, please
              contact the counter or call our customer service hotline at (03)523-3141 ext. 123.

              Since the income tax filing period in 2021 is coming to an end, please confirm that the UI No. of individual income tax filing matches
              the UI No. retained by The First Credit Cooperative of Hsinchu for protecting your own rights.
